
Hear from satisfied users and discover their experiences with DataBeagle.

FPG was looking for an LMS Product to offer Mobile and Web learning experience to its customers. We couldn’t find any product that could deliver the desired features and experience. We were lucky to find Audax Labs. They not only understood our needs, but also created an easy to use, feature rich, and scalable LMS platform – better than anything out there. Today, our in-house LMS, Growth Cafe (GrowthCafe.com) is being used by a number of large companies, with thousands of users. We’ve had rave reviews for the outstanding user experience. Since the release, Audax Labs has had a great support team in place for extremely quick response times. Highly recommended!.


Jason Forrest

CEO, Forrest Performance Group

FPG was looking for an LMS Product to offer Mobile and Web learning experience to its customers. We couldn’t find any product that could deliver the desired features and experience. We were lucky to find Audax Labs. They not only understood our needs, but also created an easy to use, feature rich, and scalable LMS platform – better than anything out there. Today, our in-house LMS, Growth Cafe (GrowthCafe.com) is being used by a number of large companies, with thousands of users. We’ve had rave reviews for the outstanding user experience. Since the release, Audax Labs has had a great support team in place for extremely quick response times. Highly recommended!.


Jason Forrest

CEO, Forrest Performance Group

FPG was looking for an LMS Product to offer Mobile and Web learning experience to its customers. We couldn’t find any product that could deliver the desired features and experience. We were lucky to find Audax Labs. They not only understood our needs, but also created an easy to use, feature rich, and scalable LMS platform – better than anything out there. Today, our in-house LMS, Growth Cafe (GrowthCafe.com) is being used by a number of large companies, with thousands of users. We’ve had rave reviews for the outstanding user experience. Since the release, Audax Labs has had a great support team in place for extremely quick response times. Highly recommended!.


Jason Forrest

CEO, Forrest Performance Group

FPG was looking for an LMS Product to offer Mobile and Web learning experience to its customers. We couldn’t find any product that could deliver the desired features and experience. We were lucky to find Audax Labs. They not only understood our needs, but also created an easy to use, feature rich, and scalable LMS platform – better than anything out there. Today, our in-house LMS, Growth Cafe (GrowthCafe.com) is being used by a number of large companies, with thousands of users. We’ve had rave reviews for the outstanding user experience. Since the release, Audax Labs has had a great support team in place for extremely quick response times. Highly recommended!.


Jason Forrest

CEO, Forrest Performance Group